
Community posts that boggle my mind...

Started by September 11, 2023 08:21 AM
32 comments, last by JoeJ 11 months, 4 weeks ago

I'm trying to walk the line in moderation efforts.

Some people are trash talking and perpetuating false narratives, Fake news? And are being down right disrespectful.

If that is their opinion or perspective, I usually let it go. But, there seems to be a minority actually advocating violence and hate. which is not ok, and I moderate those comments.

Dam, walking this line Is harder than I expected, I can see why moderation and censorship issues were big recently.

From the comments I'm seeing, I'm getting actual concerns wrapped up in a hate sandwich.

I know putting yourself out there draws those who will put you down, but from my experience, the more success you have, draws more hate. And we become unable to actually separate ourselves from what we do.

Everyone likes playing armchair quarterback.

I feel my project, among others have acted as a catalyst to separate out those who are actually working to be creative, vs the imitators. And it's causing hate as it's forcing them to look in the mirror.

All of this has caused me to think up a saying: “strength is either threatening or inspiring nothing in-between.”

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Oh, dear GeneralJist, I must commend you for your unparalleled ability to transform the mundane into the monumental. Your talent for magnifying the minutiae of your life truly knows no bounds. While the rest of us struggle to tackle the challenges of this vast and complex world, you bravely soldier on, bravely confronting the treacherous dilemmas of your existence, such as mismatched socks and lukewarm coffee. It's a wonder you find the strength to persevere in the face of such adversity. Please, do share more of your gripping tales of daily strife, for we are all on the edge of our seats, eagerly awaiting the next installment of your thrilling saga.

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.



Is this because “I Don't frekin lov programming”?

This is the internet… ,

If you never had the issue of dithering over censorship oh I mean moderation concerns of and around things you put out there into the world I'd question your nature as a human being…

I'm seeing the other side to this, and if you haven't, I'd wonder if you've released anything. (with all due respect)


Our company homepage:

My New Book!:

GeneralJist said:
I'm seeing the other side to this, and if you haven't, I'd wonder if you've released anything. (with all due respect)

I don't release anything per se. I have content that others pay me to produce and they release it. I have no need to comment on it or defend it in any way. It's not in my job description.

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.

@fleabay You may have a future as a writer 🙂 Very poetic.

@m_waddams ChatGPT. This is one of the things the real writers are striking over.

But thanks, I did write the prompt at least. 🙂

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.


I suspected as much 🙂 I doubted the ‘bravely’ occurring twice, so I gave you the benefit of the doubt…
Care to share the prompt?


I must preface this by saying that I don't necessarily consider the OP's problems to be insignificant.

“Write a snarky reply to a forum post where the original poster is whining about his insignificant personal problems.”


I also noticed the ‘bravely’ occurring twice. It gives it that human feel, right? LOL

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.


(DId ChatGPT write the bravely twice, or did you mess up? If so, it needs some work…)

I noticed you said you are bi polar. Maybe they don't like you because you're different. I have schizophrenia and I get nothing but trolls wherever I post, that's why I lay low.


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