looking for a passionate team to help with my dream fighting game!

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1 comment, last by tennekorin 10 months, 2 weeks ago

Hi! I'm Astrid, an aspiring game designer working together with a 3d artist to create a traditional fighting game like Guilty Gear or Street Fighter in the Unreal engine! It'll be stylized and colorful with a thoughtful, character-based story. Every character will have a unique moveset and playstyle, as well as a vibrant personality! The game feel will focus on feeling fluid and tight, with emphasis on well-placed hitstop.

Right now we are looking for:

- Programmers

- Concept Artists

- 3d Artists/Animators

- Graphic Designers

We have a few pieces of art, which represent early concepts of Rin (the main protagonist, a cheeky fallen angel, they/them), Charlie (A lab experiment who gained sentience too soon, he/him), and the main menu screen! Please note that the two character concepts were rendered by an AI because of our current lack of concept artists.

Thanks, and please don't hesitate to reach out if you're interested in helping!


@undefined ya got me, ive never even met a demon in my life?

but fr, i guess ex-angel would be a better term than fallen angel, since i wouldnt really call rin a demon necessarily

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