Need a better DAW, suggestions?

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16 comments, last by nsmadsen 4 years ago

I am a fruit-loops user but I do require a more advanced DAW. I want to use garageband on my Windows PC as my friends have told me it’s way better and doesn't crash at all. Any suggestions?


I use Ableton Live. Starting to think on changing to Cubase.

Garage Band will be limited as well. Try one of the above.

@shreyamathur651 , I like Ableton Live, but it's the only DAW I've really tried.

-- Tom Sloper --

shreyamathur651 said:

I am a fruit-loops user but I do require a more advanced DAW. I want to use garageband on my Windows PC as my friends have told me it’s way better and doesn't crash at all. Any suggestions?

Pretty sure you'd need a Mac for Garageband (as it's an Apple product). The same goes to Logic Pro.

I can't really think of any DAW that comes with a comprehensive list of instruments like GB or LP. A composer friend of mine usually suggested to have at least Cubase Pro + NI Komplete, which the latter is for instruments. I don't know about Ableton as I haven't tried it yet.

I also use Presonus Studio One (version 2), the DAW itself is very similar to Cubase, but the instruments are on the … meh side….

Ardour is an amazing open source DAW. Full support for Midi and VSTs. Honestly it does not get enough love.

Personally, I like Reaper. Comparatively low cost (especially for personal use or commercial use if you make less than 20k with it) and very competitive feature set.

@undefined Yes, I agree with your friend that Garageband is surely a better DAW than fruit-loop. I am using it on my Mac. I doesn't crashed at all for me.

However, I am not very sure if you can get it for Windows PC.

Why do people still call it “fruit-loop” when it's not been called FruityLoops for 16 years? It's called FL Studio. ?

Personally I recommend Studio One these days, although Cakewalk is also a good contender if you're on a budget.

I'm a huge fan of Cubase myself, and I would recommend mr_tawan said about Cubase + NI Komplete. It's really most of what you're gonna need for writing music for video games and the like. On the other hand, if you want a cheaper option (and still totally viable) Reaper is really good. It has a bit of a learning curve imo, but there are so many resources online for it and it's so customizable. I set all my keybinds and navigation controls in Reaper to mimic Cubase's.

Hope that helps at all!

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