This just in...

Published June 22, 2008
Ancient Galaxy is fun.

After spending so long fixing & tweaking, it's easy to lose sight of the fun factor after a while, but I just played through the shareware levels, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Some of the things that make it fun after playing it in one form or another for so long -

1) stable - no crashes or strange behavior.
2) only a couple of bugs that I noted to fix later. nothing major.
3) much better sounds - i added custom doppler & random pitch shifts which adds a lot of variety. also fixed the torch sounds this morning.
4) fixed a bug where NPC item lists weren't as random as advertised. This opened up the weapon mix for & against my char - much more enjoyable and varied
5) fixed a weapon damage per second display issue
6) better ai after several weeks of one or two small fixes and tweaks a week

I started as the main bald character - the only one to be available in the shareware version. I completed the digsite level without too much trouble, although this time Nejeb ( friendly npc ) died before the end, which is unusual.

The cavecity1 level was much more challenging once I aroused a bunch of Aakash lizard men. The 'boss' guy was dual wielding gauss pistols and took me down twice, despite me using a green power crysal to do more damage to him. Then I remembered that I had enough DNA to become an Aakash, so I did so and went to the 2nd part of cavecity, where I tousled with some Thoog bull creatures, which killed me once.

In between levels, I raised my skill levels in shield, cloning & weapons, and manufactured some more weapons as I needed them after death.

The bat creaturess at the end of cavecity1 had me completely pinned down with some area of effect weapons for over a minute, so I charged them, got one down while another was reloading, was able to take the bat's weapon, then retreat and get healed a bit before killing the 2nd guy. Next I heard the bats & lizards fighting one another, so I ran down and mopped up, including the 'boss' aakash I had snuck by earlier as a cloned Aakash!

Very fun.

Previous Entry Up and running again
Next Entry Thievery
0 likes 2 comments


Jason Z
Sounds pretty cool - I look forward to trying it out. What is the current schedule for your release? Is the game still sponsored by Ageia/NVidia? Can you catch us up to the most recent news?
June 22, 2008 09:30 PM
Matt Carr
That gameplay description sounded awesome. There's nothing more satisfying than getting your own game running stable and playing it to actually enjoy it for once. Very cool that it sounds like there's lots of emergent gameplay that can keep even the developers on their toes :).
June 23, 2008 08:58 AM
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